
Eden is Broken
The Dominica High Commission, in response to the state of emergency declared by the Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica, wishes to inform and appeal to nationals and friends of Dominica across the UK to mobilise efforts in obtaining resources to aid Dominica.
An Official Call for Help from the Dominica High Commission
Leaving a trail of destruction in its wake, Hurricane Maria has taught us that a prosperous, growing nation can lose everything in a matter of hours, and that caring, welcoming people can see their entire livelihoods washed away. Dominica, with its once-promising economy and kind-hearted citizens, now finds itself in urgent need of regional and international support.
We are grateful for and humbled by, the messages of solidarity and words of encouragement received from all across the world. Without doubt, however, at this time of dire national crisis, concrete aid is desperately required.
To direct assistance where it is most needed, we have established the Dominica Hurricane Maria Relief Fund. It is too soon to have an exact estimate of the damage caused by the hurricane, but there is a strong reason to believe that billions of dollars have been lost overnight. This website stands as our plea for help, and as the first stage of a relief mission that will take days, months, and years to complete.
Donate Through Just Giving
If you’re living the UK or abroad and would like to make a personal donation to the Fund, you can do so through the link below. Donations large and small are all welcome and help greatly towards Dominica’s recovery.
Direct Transfer Donations
Direct donations can also be made to Dominica’s High Commission in London, or to the New York Consulate General of Dominica/Permanent Mission of the Commonwealth of Dominica to the United Nations. An official bank account has also been established for those who wish to make donations internationally in USD, GDP, EURO and CAD. Relevant bank account details can be found below.
Donations in GBP
Bank of England
Account with Institution: ECCB
ECCB’s account number at Bank of England: 40920003
For Further Credit: Government of Dominica Call Account
Account Number: 310301005

Dominica’s Official Needs List



Water Purification Kit


Medical Supplies

Hygiene Kits

Kitchen Set



